(Looking for the eicon search? It's here.)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this?
This is a searchable index of eicons available on F-List. You can use eicons in chat or on your profile. Clicking on an eicon in the search results will copy the code to use the eicon to your clipboard, so you can paste it wherever you want to use it. If you want to copy multiple eicons at once, you can shift-click to add an eicon to your clipboard instead of replacing it.
I prefer to search eicons via a chat bot, can you do that?
Sure, send a private message (not a note) to XarBot in chat with 'help' to get started.
Why am I seeing the same set of random eicons over and over?
The random eicon display was updated to show a fixed set of eicons (which is updated hourly), to lower the load on F-List's servers. If you want to see a fresh random set, the information message above the search results contains a link you can click to get a fresh shuffle instead.
How does this relate to F-List itself?
This search is not an official service of F-List and is something I provide on my own. If you run into bugs or issues with the search, don't contact the F-List staff because they won't be able to help you, contact me instead.
How do you find all the eicons?
F-List does not have a master index of all eicons available, so the eicons are collected by seeing them being used. This is done in two ways:
- Any chat seen by my chat client will be automatically watched for new eicons, and they'll be immediately added to the search.
- Owners of private chat channels can contact me to have a bot join and idle in their channel to do similar watching for new eicons used in that channel. (Only the channel owner can request this!)
If you have an eicon you want in the search index, just use it in a public channel, or send a private message in chat to XarBot using the icons, and they'll show up in the search soon (usually almost instantly). If you have or know of any other way of collecting eicons to be indexed that I should be making use of, please get in touch.
An eicon is using my artwork without permission, how do I remove it?
This website only indexes eicons, the eicons are actually defined on F-List. This site does not actually store or serve eicon images itself. If an eicon is using your artwork without permission, you should contact F-List staff to report the issue. If an eicon is removed from F-List, it will automatically be removed from the search results here.
I don't want my eicon to show in the search results, can you remove it?
No, but you can.
In order to remove an eicon from the search, it must be verifiable that an eicon is actually yours; and that you're not just trying to delist someone else's eicons. F-List does not provide information about who created any specific eicon, and F-List since allows people to create eicons containing other people's character names, your character name appearing in an eicon name does not verify that an eicon is yours.
Because of these limitations, verification can only be done by including authorship metadata into the eicon image file when you create it. The eicon search supports XMP format metadata embedded within the GIF and JPEG files served by FList. If you include standard XMP copyright information that includes the text "No indexing allowed
" in the XMP DublinCore Rights field of your eicon image (what tools like Photoshop label as the 'Copyright' field), then your eicon will not be indexed.
You can use this tool to mark an existing image file with the appropriate XMP metadata to prevent it from being indexed. To verify if an image has the appropriate metadata, you can use this tool to upload an image and look for the "No indexing allowed.
" text in the copyright field.
Note that FList converts uploaded eicons to GIF format, and this conversion removes any metadata on the image. Make sure your EIcon is already a GIF file before watermarking it to ensure the metadata survives FList's processing.
If an eicon cannot be verified as yours via the image metadata as described above, it will not be removed from the search. No other forms of verification will be accepted.
This metadata is verified immediately when eicons with new names are added to the search index. If you update the image for an existing eicon name, it will be automatically removed from the search index the next time the eicon is validated (which may take several days). If an eicon of yours is in the search index and you believe it shouldn't be (and you've given enough time for the automatic revalidation), you may have found a bug, please contact Xariah Dailstone.
An eicon is broken and showing the default silhouette image, can you remove it?
If you find any broken eicons in the search, you can click the red X button on the eicon to report it. This will verify the eicon, and if it appears to be broken, it will be removed. If the eicon is broken but the report button doesn't seem to work, please let me know.
Broken eicons that aren't reported should also be cleaned up within a few days on their own automatically.
I found an eicon that violates F-List rules! What should I do?
You should contact F-List staff to report the eicon.
What's your privacy policy?
I don't collect what searches are done, or what results are clicked on or used. If you are not logged in to xariah.net, any eicons you mark as favorite are stored only in local storage your browser and never sent to me. If you are logged in to xariah.net, your favorites are stored on my server so they won't get lost if you clear your browser's local storage, and that favorites information is not used for any other purpose.